Published on January 19,2018
White paper bag plastic white cardboard manufacturing bag is a bag top, handbag is a simple bag. Its characteristic is that the strength of the white cardboard handbag is the highest in all handbags. This kind of handbag is usually used by the planner of the physical properties of white cardboard to put up advanced clothing or merchandise. Compared with paper delicate and white paper bags, white paper bag handle was exquisite, portable and portable bag, bag bag is particularly elegant white cardboard. White cardboard has excellent printability, planners may hazard a use of various planning methods (including color design) white paper bag handbag is cost a maximum. Whiteboard is also a common material for making handbags.
The handbag made from white board has great strength. The gift handbag can hold some merchandise with a certain weight. Planners often use white board for clothing bags. The standard is usually open or full open handbags.
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